
Sailor Moon Crystal Spotlight: Act 12 Recap!

The end of Sailor Moon? While only temporary at the end of act 12... the timing was symbolic for the development of Sailor Moon Crystal.


Sailor Moon Crystal Spotlight: Act 11 Recap!

Act 11 of Sailor Moon Crystal remains at the adequate level from three weeks ago. Meaning: No great changes, small arguable points and nothing spectacular.


Sailor Moon Crystal Spotlight: Act 10 Recap!

It was adequate work in Act 10 of Sailor Moon Crystal but not more. The story of the generals feels more tacked on than anything else and serves more to take the focus of what makes Sailor Moon a strong franchise.


Sailor Moon Crystal Spotlight: Partway Review 1

Sailor Moon Crystal is not where it could be. For the moment the brand is carrying the anime more than the series making a name for itself. Here is a first broader review of the first nine episode.


Sailor Moon Crystal Spotlight: Act 09 Recap!

A composition full of atmosphere. Act 9 captures the special emotions of this pivotal segment of Sailor Moon Crystal and culminates in a brilliant catharsis.


Sailor Moon Crystal Spotlight: Act 08 Recap!

Sailor V is here! Act 8 of Sailor Moon Crystal concludes the introduction phase with a decent but not overly spectacular performance.


Sailor Moon Crystal Spotlight: Act 07 Recap!

Sailor Moon Crystal cannot quite keep the level of performance of the last episodes. Act 7 comes with no real big strengths but some negative highlights.