Once more we come to our bi-weekly recap of Sailor Moon Crystal. This time: The fiery debut of Rei Hino aka Sailor Mars. Was it successful or not? Find out.
After Ami's first showing left a lot to be desired, the expectation for Rei was perhaps even more critically disposed. Manga-Rei and the Rei of the old anime are quite different. After Ami's subverted character in the last act (see respective recap), the question was which changes were this time sneaked in.
Technical Performance
A short word about the new things, meaning Rei's transformation. Definitely one of the more beautiful sequences. The background music is also very well-done and fitting for Mars.
One thing about the design that I only noticed now: Usagi, Ami and Rei all have these ear accessories which were used by Ami in the old anime to call up her visor. Now they all have one (on each ear!) in their respective colors (white for Usagi) and they have them in their civilian form. A nice idea actually, I just never noticed this before.
Let's get to the main point and a quick answer to the above posted question. There were no critical changes. At least no serious character-breaking changes like with Ami. Of course, this might in part be because Rei's more aloof/cold character only comes out in the following acts.
There is only point I am uncertain whether the idea is a good one or not. When the parents confront Rei, Usagi intervenes, which did not happen quite that way in the manga. This has no (immediate) consequences, but I suppose it is an acceptable variation.
All in all, it was a decent job concerning Rei's character, although I hardly find the adaption spectacular. As such I am more interested in how Rei will be developed from here on out.
Practical Performance
The manga has this time been fairly closely adapted again with only a few but fairly inconsequential changes. Unfortunately many of these changes were not altogether positive.
The scene with Usagi and Rei has been noted already. Another slight variation lies in Luna accompanying Ami when they transfer to Usagi, even if this has really no consequence. Phobos and Deimos were missing from Mars' final attack. A shame, really. Also there was no explanation for Ami's computer/laptop and glasses. While the setting is more modern, I highly doubt dimensional interaction is normal technical level. And lastly, Usagi "winning" the communicators at the Sailor V-game kind of gets lost because it's only shown for a short moment and afterwards it might get confusing where the wristwatches come from.
The flashbacks are apparently the norm for every Senshi now. In the beginning I liked this but a little more could have been done with this than just that one image of the moon palace. Also, the Usagi/Mamoru-scenes are being consistently enhanced. This, I believe, remains a nice touch and nicely paves the way for the next episodes, especially the next act with the masquerade. Negatively to note about this scene is Mamoru's first line in reaction to Luna. Where has "Yes, say something, Luna?" gone to? I really missed that one.
There is one big breach with the manga, however... probably. It cannot be clearly seen but watching the scene very slowly, it would seem that Jadeite actually teleported out of Rei's fire attack. Since the reaction of the Generals was missing as well, the outcome stays unresolved but could be the first sign of incoming "fillers" – let's rather call them extra episodes.
I think it's a good thing that the character episode are about halfway done and now we are off to the masquerade. There isn't terribly much to be gained and made off these first acts after all. This episode was okay but not terrible spectacular. At least I could live with the small changes more than last time, since Rei's character has not (yet) been subverted. Now we are off for the masquerade, which ought to be really interesting.
Score: 3.5/5
German Version on NSW
Gallery/Screencap Commentary
(Source: All Screencaps made by me)
Geez, despite it being a fairly medicore scenes, there were so many scenes I wanted to comment... Had to already cut down a few.
Here is Nephrite. |
And Zoisite, too. |
Rei in front of the fire. |
Starting now! |
So guilable. This is the first of two times Usagi acts all mock soldier-like...What I personally don't get is: Is it normal in Japan now for a cat to come to a school classroom without getting thrown out? |
You can easily miss that scene and wonder later where the watches come from. I actually did. |
What a beautiful side profile. And the first time I really noticed the ear accesories that all the Senshi have now. |
Usagi is love-struck... again. I like Yuri tones usually but... Tone it down a little, will you? It was a bit too much already with Ami. At this rate she'll be jumping every Senshi by the end of Crystal. |
Evil spirit Usagi... ^_^ |
"Spirited away." I liked this one. |
Usagi flustered. :) Still, I missed Mamoru saying: "Yes, Luna, say something?" His reaction seemed totally off and that was one of the better lines in the early Usagi/Mamoru meetings. |
Usagi tells off the parents... and gets told off herself. |
Usagi gets sucked in. |
So... Is the laptop special or the glasses? This could be a reflection. It is never explained. Rushed and not well-done at all. |
lol Poor Luna, Usagi's not good at explaining her way out of a difficult situation, is she? |
And here she comes... |
Mars Power! |
Lots of fire and fitting music. I really liked this. |
Perhaps the best animation sequence yet. |
Sailor Mars is here! |
Staying true to the manga here. Beautiful animation of turning the talisman into a fire spiral. |
Jadeite warped out! Or did he? I'm fairly certain at this point that he did. Guess we have to wait for confirmation. |
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