Feedback is important to us. *glances at Maia* Especially her. She's quite the hungry creature.
Whether it is for our stories, this site, the blog or any other written work, let us know what you think. You can even say negative things as long as it helps us improve and is done in an acceptable manner. That is called constructive criticism. A little term every writer and reader should know but is sadly not practiced enough. Constructive criticism can be both positive and negative. It means you tell us what you liked or didn't like and why, ideally supplying suggestions for how to make it better. Of course, we welcome any feedback simply telling us we are doing good with something as well. Just give us something.
For that, you have various ways to contact us.
EMAIL: ID: MysticMew (I don't like the PM system but I deal if you absolutely must)
NSW-Anime ID: MysticMew
Messengers: I'm not telling. You have to ask specifically. I still have a Yahoo ID and because of my work for NSW I recently have a Skype-Account too (though no webcam or micro yet). If you want these, I'd like to know first to whom I am giving it and why.
Or you can use our contact form.