
The Pokémon Global Link Virus Wars Logbook Part 5: VICTORY! ... somehow

It is done! Global Link Registration is finally working again... with a catch.

What a turbulent last few days! The important message, however, is that it is once again possible to log into the Pokémon Global Link IF you make a completely new account. That's right. It's still not working for the ones you made but making a new one now should get you through the registration process all the way to registering your game.

All in order, though. After reaching the post limit on our old thread, I made a new one, including a Mini-FAQ of all the important information and questions. At the same time the notice on the PGL site about the log in problems curiously disappeared, yet nothing had changed. We were rightfully angry! Even more users responded to the new thread with the same problem, someone even made an online petition...

Not even a full twenty-four hours later user Wikitoh informed us about trying to create a new account (besides the one he/she already had) and getting a message about user data still being processed when trying to log into the Global Link. My first reaction was that it was simply just that but about four hours later, Wikitoh announced the real shocker. The log in worked! Of course we were rightfully wary at first but after some other users tried the same thing with the same result, it became clear that this method indeed worked!

So, you need to make a completely new account with a different email. Upon first attempt to log into the Global Link (or maybe the second), you should get a message that your user data is still being processed and that you should check back later. This will take somewhere between three and three and a half hours by matching accounts (and personal experience). So don't be alarmed that it does take so long. After that time you should be able to access the registration for your game.

This is great, right?

Well, personally I am both relieved but it also leaves a rather sour taste behind. First of PTC has not even bother to announce this, inform users with open support tickets or anything at all to make us aware of this. It took a user trying to do something that we actually had already tried before and given up on. This could have several reasons. You need to keep in mind that technically having more than one account is against the TOS but what can you do? At the moment I have two theories.

The nice one is that the problem perhaps originated in new accounts not being processed at all upon registration before and therefore failing to log in. It would explain why there is such a process now and I cannot recall there being such a message ever the first time I made an account.

The more jaded opinion is that this is PTCs way of getting out of compensation demands. After all, how can you prove that your old account and the new one are technically the same, especially when you are technically not allowed to have two? I wouldn't put it past them to pull this, yet that might just giving them too much credit in the brain department. ^_^

So, yes, the war is over now. After nearly a month of fighting and an even longer time of the actual cause, we have reached the minimal goal. The sour taste remains and compensation should be made... but that will probably not happen.

Should more developments arise, I shall keep you updated. For now I hope this reaches everyone in time to collect the full rewards for the mission deadline tomorrow. Enjoy some peace and quiet for once. We have certainly earned at least that much.


Original Post (describing the problem)
Video Link (showing the problem)
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New Gamefaqs Pokémon Sun Board Topic:  http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/187276-pokemon-sun/74970212
Old Topic: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/187276-pokemon-sun/74839341

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