The war between us poor gamers and the Pokémon support and tech team that have been waging a war of silence, ignorance and automated messages to this point has entered into something akin to a ceasefire. However, it is a rather shaky one as the recently promised fix has not been delivered for a good week now.
About nearly a week ago, we seemed to have earned our first small victory when PTC officially announced this atrocity (I refuse to call it an issue any longer) that has been plaguing us for such a long time. Six days and one regular maintenance later, nothing has changed. We are still unable to log into the Global Link to register our game. The deadline for the mission as well as the registration period for the next tournament is upon us and PTC so far has given nothing but empty promises.
A ceasefire under these circumstances cannot and will not stand!
In the time this capital offense to all customers that have given Nintendo their money for a game with WORKING functions has existed (and as the log reveals I have good reason to believe it has been since launch), even a decently competent web designer could have rewritten the code for the entire site from scratch (twice or thrice over)... Of course any sane web designer would probably have to be paid four times the usual rate to be coaxed into touching this chaotic mess.
It is simple unthinkable, implausible and above all else inexcusable that in all this time this could not have been fixed unless they really have no one who actually knows what they are doing. Even a week of not fixing this in the modern internet age should by all rights doom most websites that don't have so much clout to smooth over the problems of a comparable smaller mass of users.
As for the log.
The most interesting thing would be confirmation that this offense has clearly been around much longer. One user reported having experienced the same thing upon trying around Christmas which leads to the question of whether or not this may not have been a problem that has been there since the launch of the game (and the website). If so it's not just atrocious, it's a slap in the face of every fan and customer.
We have also attracted the brief attention of a troll on our thread. Further proof how far this has progressed.
Last but not least. I have finally received a reply to my daringly posed question of whether or not there are actually humans in the support team. Io and behold.
Hello Matthias,
Thank you for contacting Pokémon Support.
Yes, we are very much human and are trying to get the problem with the PGL taken care of so people can log back in again. We are asking for your patience on this.
Why... this sounded actually human!
Too bad it took them about 6 days. Six days to react appropriately to what was as thinly veiled an insult as possible from my side. Frankly I was surprised, I got such a rather nice reply. And they are asking for my "patience". Patience my dear PTC has run out a long time ago. A very, very long time ago somewhere in a galaxy far, far away.....
So, what does this tell us? Not much considering many are still getting the same automated messages. The only thing this response supports is that "someone" is reading them. Sometimes. Occasionally. And maybe they will (eventually) reply to them for real instead of just clicking on the button to send the appropriate automated message... if they feel like it. In fact you obviously have to be very personally rude to even get something that sounds remotely human.
So, we are back to the "sole human sitting there and clicking off automated messages while doing something entirely different that is not his/her paid work the entire time" theory. I think I'll support this now.
Our thread is nearing the Gamefaqs message limit... which is sad in on itself. We will soon be making a new one as it stands.
And that's all for today. Please spread the news, join us in our still ongoing war. Our first victory seems to have barely left a dent, so let us increase the pressure and make them yield for real!
Stay tuned for the next issue of The Pokémon Global Link Virus Wars Logbook, probably with more insanity and new bots to feed to our more vicious Pokémon.
Original Post (describing the problem)
Video Link (showing the problem)
Verlisify Video
Austin John Video
Kotaku Article
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