It is still ongoing, the war between us poor gamers and the bots from the Pokémon support and tech team, waging a war of silence, ignorance and automated messages! (see here for the actual problem) This section is made in an attempt to vent, to inform and then vent some more. But I'll be sure to keep you updated of any new development.
Sadly no positive news in this seemingly hopeless struggle are in sight. However, we are gaining more publicity. Youtuber Verlisfy has taken up our cause and made a video about it. Please go and like it to help us gain more attention and spread our cause to others who have a big voice within the community.
As for the log.
We've long been wondering about the nature of the standard replies we've been getting upon filing a ticket in the support center. Are those just bots designed to send back automated messages based on certain key words or are there actually humans behind it? In an attempt to find out, I have brazenly filed the following:
Question: Are you human?
Because we are seriously convinced by now that there are no humans maintaining this site.
(And if I actually need to spell out what this is about then it just proves you are not human)
For now, nearly a day has passed without a reply. The question of whether or not there is actually a human on the other remains "Open". So... That does not tell us a whole lot. It could mean there is a human who feels insulted and just decides not to answer or even take any action... or the bot doesn't have a proper response for that. User TohruAdachi260 suggested the following as a possible reply.
Hello Trainer,
Thank you for contacting Pokémon Support. We apologize for the issue that you are experiencing contacting a human agent. This is a known issue, and our web team is working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
Thank you for playing Pokemon.
The Pokémon Company International Support Team
I personally wouldn't be surprised if that actually happened! Once (or if) I get an answer, I'll let you know.
We've already established how buggy the entire site construct is. Beyond the known issue, there is the treatment of support tickets in different languages by separate section which is more confusing than helpful. Updating information about your contact also does not always work. As such I have tried entering my real name information several times, both in the support center page and upon the PTC login, but while they register as updated for the reminder of the session, as soon as you go away and come back later, the data is empty again.
And that's all for today. Please spread the news, join us in this hopeless-seeming battle against the uncaring bots and their tyranny!
Stay tuned for the next issue of The Pokémon Global Link Virus Wars Logbook, probably with more insanity and new bots to feed to our more vicious Pokémon.
Original Post (describing the problem)
Video Link (showing the problem)
Verlisify Video
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