
The Pokémon Global Link Virus Wars Logbook Part 1: A Call to Arms

The newest, saddest, outrageous developments in the ongoing struggle of all new users trying to register their Pokémon Games on Global Link!

It is still ongoing, the war between us poor gamers and the bots from the Pokémon support and tech team, waging a war of silence, ignorance and automated messages! (see here for the actual problem) This section is made in an attempt to vent, to inform and then vent some more. But I'll be sure to keep you updated of any new development.

In an attempt to actually do something, we on the appropriate Gamefaqs thread have resolved to boycott participation in the ongoing mission. We are not going to make any trades, some might not even sign up to begin with. After all we might get some of the reward but not all of it and that's still not our fault. If you read this and suffer the same, we urge you to do the same. Let us fight this injustice any small way we can!

Now as for the actual log.

In the last few days we tried a bunch of stuff, issued a lot more support tickets, someone even wrote the technical support. Let's sort through some of them and have a good (sad) laugh at the insanity.

So, this is the first reply you are very likely going to see, issued by English Support 1 (or Bot Reply 1), the numbers could vary though.

Hello Trainer,

Thank you for contacting Pokémon Support!
We are aware of the issue and we are investigating it. We hope to have it resolved in the next few days. Please try periodically to see if you are able to log in.

Thank you for playing Pokémon!
The Pokémon Company International Support Team

So. Everyone gets this at some point. By now we are almost certain this is either a bot or a single human just sending off automated messages again and again while either being incredibly bored or doing some not work-related at all. Because of the convoluted mess of the support site that treats and sends support tickets differently depending with what language setting you log in, one can easily see that these are standard replies. I got the same message in German too. But let's not even go into the sorry state the support section is in, that would be an entire new battle. Let's just say the entire system is really messed up.

Moving on. Someone mailed Tech Support. It gets even more interesting.

Thank you for contacting the Pokémon Support team.

The TechHelp email address is exclusively for issues regarding account sign up, consent or log in issues. If your inquiry did not pertain to one of these topics, we will not be able to provide a response to your email.

Many common questions can be found in our knowledge base of Frequently Asked Questions found at support.pokemon.com.

If you're unable to find what you're looking for, you can also submit your query directly to our support team via our 'ask a question' feature. Please see our 'contact us' link on our support home page to see your options for contacting us.

Thank you,

Pokemon Support Team

"The TechHelp email address is exclusively for issues regarding account sign up, consent or log in issues." You do realize Dear Pokémon Support Team that it IS a log in issue, yes?

More bots then. Is there even a single human looking at these?

Now, today I made another support ticket, being deliberately a tad more forceful.

Dishonored Customer Support,

because of your technical teams inability to fix the login issue for over 3 weeks pending and feeding standard replies to everyone that asks with no visible progress, we (all those of us who are affected) have resolved that we will refrain from contributing to the now ongoing Global Mission since neither will we get the full rewards this way, nor do we see any reason to help out your companies shiny image just because you are not competent enough to fix such a major issue or at the very least to INFORM people about if officially.

We still demand a PROMPT solution and recompensation for the recently missed entry to the Alola Friendly.

With no Regards,

YOUR very frustrated players

This got a rather prompt response.

Hello Trainer,

Thank you for contacting Pokémon Support. We apologize for the issue that you are experiencing logging into the PGL website. This is a known issue, and our web team is working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

If you are receiving an error message saying that your membership is still processing, please log into pokemon.com, go to your PGL settings and change your privacy setting to "nobody" or "game friends". After you have done this, you can then register your game. After your game has been registered, you can then go in and change your PGL settings to that of your own choosing.

Thank you for playing Pokémon!

The Pokémon Company International Support Team

Now this message from the all-important Pokémon Agent 1 was new. Not helpful but new. It is very interesting that they apparently KNOW the issue and yet I am given a solution for something entirely different. If they really KNEW the issue, then why am I given this? And no, it doesn't work.

As it turns out, other people got the same thing recently.

So, yet another bot. Probably just a random switch of automated messages.

As it is we missed the competition (rewards), will probably miss half the FC for the mission (if it gets completed at all) and then there is the promise of Megastones for the next competition. Frankly, that's where I draw the line. If they actually lock us out of getting rare, exclusive items this way without fixing the issue that prevents us from doing so, I am going to send a bunch of Charizards over there!

And that's all for today. Please spread the news, join us in this hopeless-seeming battle against the uncaring bots and their tyranny!

Stay tuned for the next issue of The Pokémon Global Link Virus Wars Logbook, probably with more insanity and new bots to feed to our more vicious Pokémon.


Original Post (describing the problem)
Video Link (showing the problem)
New Gamefaqs Pokémon Sun Board Topic:  http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/187276-pokemon-sun/74970212
Old Topic: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/187276-pokemon-sun/74839341

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