Thunder and lightning – Sailor Jupiter strikes!
Sailor Moon Crystal captivates with perhaps its best performance so far and makes its spectacular return after a three way break.
Yes, we had to wait an entire three, long weeks since August had pushed an evil fifth Saturday in-between. Yet the wait was worth it. Whatever the producers have done during this time, listening to viewer's opinions seems to have played a role. Not too long ago I read that no Sailor Moon adaption can be truly judged before Sailor Jupiter had her appearance and this should hold true within
Sailor Moon Crystal as well.
Now, let's look at this episode in detail.
Technical Performance
In a word: Impressive. Negative comments about the glaring graphical issues in the first episodes prevailed around the net and could at best be ignored by ardent fans. Yet Act 5 appears in a beautiful and immaculate look and perfects a strong episode on the technical side as well. Sure, there's always room left but in lieu of the low budget the anime has to work, this kind of performance can be accepted.
Jupiter's transformation sequences tops even the one for Mars and her attacks leave the most explosive effect so far. The only thing to criticize is the missing, individual transformation sequence. After every Senshi had an individual touch, this is peculiar and messes up the symmetry.
Makoto/Sailor Jupiter really struck like lightning. Not only her episode as a whole but her character specifically is the most well done from among all four Senshi so far. Ami Koshimizu breathes life into Makoto's character with her deep voice and gives us an almost perfect Jupiter. The almost exclusive focus on Makoto and her inner conflict during the episode definitely served the credibility and realism of the presentation well and her character is portrayed far better this way than with Ami and Rei.
A few words about the rest of the cast. After the speculation about Rei 3.0, it is good to see that she kept her mistrust of men and thusly follows Manga-Rei in that respect. On the other hand, the almost Yuri-esque enthusiasm from Usagi for every new Senshi appears to continue although distinctively lighter this time. What is she going to do with her "idol" Sailor V? Poor Minako should better watch out...
Practical Performance
There were a few, small changes that were either not hindering or even rather fitting. Usagi's dream was moved from the beginning to the middle of the Act and flows smoothly into the scene with Tuxedo Mask which actually works well in symbolic way.
The battle scene was expanded as well and feels much more alive now. Makoto's insecurities, Usagi's speech and Mako's following determination portray her character perfectly and finally manage to expand the battle scene in a meaningful way. Originally the manga merely had the transformation and attack sequence. I would definitely like to see more of the way this episode portrayed the battle. Personally this extension of the battle scene was about the best change from the original manga.
There was a small moment for all JupiterXNephrite-Fans. It remains to be seen whether more will be done with it or if those hinted recognitions from the generals will merely remain a small extra.
Being finally able to get to see Makoto's Senpai was a pleasant surprise. Since no version so far has ever expanded on it, this inclusion was both overdue and a consequent addition to enhance the impression of the presentation.
And for all wondering about possible filler. Since the series will continue with Mamoru's Act right away, this chance to include new material has been missed, however, there still remains an opportunity after the next episode. Additionally later, longer Acts can easily be divided over two episodes as well.
A great episode and on all layers as well. Technical, practical and the characters. Even without being the biggest Jupiter fan, it will be hard to deny that she has received the best episode yet. Let us hope it stays that way.
Score: 4.75/5
German Version on NSW
Gallery/Screencap Commentary
(Source: All Screencaps made by me)
Mako-chan to the rescue! |
Mako-chan!!! |
It's starting... |
Don't get on my case because I'm too tall! ^_^ |
Nice catch |
If looks could be classified as weapons... USAGI STARE! |
My hand moved! |
I'm good at games... Here comes Senpai... or not... Oops, I lost. Mako-chan in perfection. |
Everyone wants to be a bride... |
I hate man! |
Poor Mako... |
Tuxedo Mask. Occupation: Kidnapping pretty girls from their beds at night... ^_^ |
Enter Nephrite |
I would punch him for being so freaking oblivious! |
Mako throws the Youma, ha! |
Jupiter Power, Make Up! |
An explosive transformation! |
And here comes... |
Sailor Jupiter! |
That was very pretty and no uber-weird movements either! |
Flower Hurricane! Very pretty! |
WOW, catching lightning in her fist! |
Lightning come forth... |
Jupiter Thunder Bolt! |
Evaporated! Most impressive battle scene yet! |
And here it comes... I like the extra glow for the crescent! |
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