
Anime Weekly Review: Spring 2015 (12.6-18.6.)

The season is coming to an end and things are getting more interesting almost everywhere.

Considering how leisurely some of the anime have so far dealt with the closing of the season, things sure got rather serious on many fronts this week. Mikagura actually got serious and doing it much better than before while even Pleiades is heading somewhere that may not land it as an utter failure. Unfortunately there have also been some missteps. Highschool DxD suffers some lackluster writing for the final bit and... I shall not talk about PM anymore than I need to.

Assassination Classroom: I might not be as at odds with the more serious approach to the last batch of episodes but I really question the use of the actual villain. And here one was expecting someone clever but it's just that guy again, now not just insane but seriously MAD. Ahem. I await the resolution to make a final judgment but I admit that a good bit more could have been made out of this recent premise.

DanMachi: And here we were expecting lots more suspense and probably a boss fight... Instead half of the episode consisted of running away and the other rather relaxing (recovering) in a picture book underground town. Now, it wasn't bad but the one thing holding DanMachi back from being truly fantastic is taking sudden breaks from the action, especially if they include Aiz... One question: Now they have to beat the boss again to get out but... Wouldn't the rescue party need to have done that already to get down there?!?

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Vivid:  Delayed sub... Really, it's getting worse every week. At the beginning the rate was nice but that's what you get with a single subber in the long run...

Fairy Tail: Oh look, it's a magic annihilation bomb. Come on, be a BIT more original. Why the hell would the Council even MAKE one? Honestly, these old geezers were really stupid for the most part. Anyway, looks like Natsu was the only being victorious/successful so far.

Plastic Memories: Someone shoot me now. I applaud Gabriella for even giving it a B-. I'd rather go with a D or something. This late in I usually never even think about dropping something regardless how bad (see last season bad) but when they started to have glitter scenes I was seriously, VERY seriously tempted to close the tab and be done with it. Let's be glad we are almost done, then I can forget that for half of this show I was having such high hopes. I have NOTHING against romance stories and yes, it was apparent there would be romance in there. But please, there is well-written romance, there is adequate-written romance... and then there is Plastic Memories. All that remains now is a show that took the less competent aspects of the two main ones available and made it the main focus. Last season had lots of wasted potential. This one has Plastic Memories which is a class of its own.

Highschool DxD BorN: I don't often agree with Theron (okay, fine it happens but probably just as often the opposite happens) but I also felt the episode was squandering the potential this series has. For a finale the whole thing reeks not only of cliché but a poorly done one. I also have no idea what the point was with having Rias take on a version of Issei's Balance Breaker just when we might have gotten to see her REAL powers in more action. That at least might have been worth the whole thing. I am not giving up hope, but BorN is losing some steam on the final stretch here.

One Piece: Once again One Piece takes an entire episode to take one shot. Some of the twists were interesting but it felt seriously stretched out. Oh well, at least it's not on Punk Hazard level and now Luffy and Law have finally reached Mingo.

Show by Rock!!: I continue to be at odds here. I still like the whole thing more than Rolling Girls last season but seriously, I think this would have been better as some funky music show that actually focus on... I don't know? MUSIC?! They didn't even let us listen to some of the songs. For something to do with music, we really get conspicuously little. Still, what is there is at least solid and not all over the place like Rolling Girls was.

Go Princess Precure: See? See?! SEE?! I told you, didn't I? At least they weren't trying to draw out this not-quite-so-shocking revelation for too long. While this episode had some nice parts I also feel Princess Precure is really rubbing in the clichés. These mid-season turns have been made a good deal better before. I might be affected in my judgment though because I am rewatching most of my favorite seasons right now. ^_^

Hibike! Euphonium: And now we are back to the Yuri subtext? Honestly, make up your mind. Still, Kumiko and Reina's scenes remain the best parts in an otherwise great anime. I am still continuously amazed at how little attention this gets.

Kyoukai no Rinne: Hmm, I still don't think this series works being too serious. Funny considering I wanted something more in that direction but now that I can appreciate the humor, it clearly shows that's where Rinne is best at.

Mikagura School Suite: So, now we are finally getting to Seisa's shoddy past. Too bad I wouldn't have minded a serious jealousy match with Eruna trying to figure out how to deal with two girls actually fighting over HER. Oh well, despite being more serious, for once this episode turned out well. The only thing I really regret is that the greatly teasered battles have really become more of a side attraction. I mean... Yes, even the characters talk about more important things going on. ^_^

Hougako no Pleiades: I said it before. All of this is a little too late. Towards the finish line Pleiades finally makes sense and the writing is actually on a level where you can comprehend an episode. Unfortunately by now I imagine a lot of people have jumped this ship. I am glad to see it wrap up at least somewhat decently. If the quality of the last two or so episodes could have been more consistent earlier, Pleiades could have done a whole lot better.

Note: I apologize for the lateness. It's in part due to waiting for the still not there Nanoha sub and then I simply forgot yesterday. ^_^

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