
Anime Weekly Review: Summer 2015 (31.7.-6.8)

As we go into the fifth week of episodes, updates for this will now resume regularly again.

The summer here cannot decide what it wants. Either its cold like early autumn/spring, rains all week or is hot like hell. At the moment it's hot like hell, especially up here... Anyway, back to business.

I shall note that out of a momentary lack of things to fill out my evening fully, I have gone and given Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya a chance. I may catch up with the rest of this during the season, so that I can add the new installment to the updates in a week or two. I will also include some impressions at the end as I go along.

Rokka no Yuusha: The true mystery begins now. How will our would-be heroes deal with this and move forward. Poor Adalet...

Gate: The princess is learning an important lesson in real life experience and humility it would seem. It will be interesting to see how she will react to what her father has been up to in the recent conflict.

Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX: After a series of disastrous defeats, things are looking up again. Ignoring that Symphogear is still not making a whole lot sense, I continue to like this season for some noteworthy cool battle scenes.

Fairy Tail: Gah, my heart. This episode was really pulling on the heart-strings. Fairy Tail is good at this, especially with the anime, considering how much that final scene where Gray recognized Ultear at the end of the Magic Games arc was really emotionally as well. Of course, I am not sure if I wasn't very close to dropping Fairy Tail altogether if Wendy had really died after being really cool for once. Some might think it a cheap way out but I wonder how many more would have gone up in arms if it had really happened. I may have been amongst those. As it is, this episode was really great with the emotions and all. I hope Wendy gets proper credit from everyone later for literally saving their collective behinds while ready to sacrifice herself in the process.

One Piece: Corazon is a cool guy for sure. That episode was heartwarming but always with that bittersweet knowledge that he will be killed by Doffy later.

Go! Princess Precure: Towa is really affecting everyone to move forward a little, even the fairies. Oh... and we FINALLY have a real adjusted opening and new ending. Took you long enough, Toei...

Joukamachi no Dandelion: I like how the show handles jumping between the siblings by making small short stories within each episode instead of handling such an enormous cast as one (far too many anime make that mistake... of course they actually have a more a stringent plot than this). Dandelion continues to be the fun entertainment this season.

Overlord: Still not quite sure what to make of this. A lot of introductions this week and we seem to be set up for a confrontation.

Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosai no Kyoukai: So, the last one finally joins the fray but typically as per script for these shows just as they are pumped up for their match the enemy launches an attack. Something tells me our mismatched Fireteam will make some impression in this battle.

Kyoukai no Rinne: At least the better subtitles are back, too bad we can't do the same about the opening and ending... Again the series takes a much more serious tone. There were some hilarious bits but the humor was fairly light this time around. Let's see how Rinne gets out of this bind. Honestly, you thought Takahashi already wrote some pretty messed-up parents like Genma..... Rinne's father deserves to die a very slow death for this level of absurdity.

Gakkou Garashi!: Continuing the flashback from last time on how Miki ended up with the others. We see some more of Yuki's confrontation from reality but it seems it does not hinder her to save someone in danger even if she cannot really face the truth. It's both intriguing and horrific. This series really deserves the apparent jump to the top from seemingly nowhere.

And now as promised my notes on Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya Notes (currently up to and including Episode 9 in first season).

I have to say for anyone not knowing that I am not a particular fan of the Fate series. While I have no strong negative emotions I think the fact that after seeing the very first anime adaption a long time ago the only thing remaining strong in my memories is the awful German says enough. As such Prism initially turned me away as the idea of a Fate-themed magical girl spinoff didn't appeal to me. Almost done with Season 1 now I am pleasantly surprised that this is actually rather good.

Episode 6 was a particular high point of where Illya who up to this point was rather unassuming for a main character (which is a death sentence to a magical girl heroine usually) turned epically awesome. I am growing to like her more as she actually thinks and reacts more to her sudden transition to a magical girl like a teenage girl her age should and seems to have now find the resolve to still rise above all her anxieties.

While nothing particular worldbreaking, Prism definitely has some strong points and not just in the visual department.

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