After the low-key mediocrity (to put it as nicely as I can manage) of the Winter Season, Spring comes with a breath of fresh air that washes away the bad memories for the most part. I had no reason to drop anything past Episode 1 (which were only two and those were more out of personal taste) and this time I feel like I am not regretting doing so. While there are certainly a few frustrating cases of wasted potential in here as well, neither get as horrible as say Absolute Duo because of it.
New Anime
Houkago no Pleiades

For a good while this anime seemed to not know what it wanted to do. Conversations and plot were disjointed, ended abruptly or without sufficient closure, leaving you more wondering what exactly was going on instead of presenting a clear picture. In short it was a rather clear-cut, old school... and unfortunately run-of-the-mill magical girl anime. Not terribly bad but also nothing special at all. Many were left actively thinking: "I want to like this but I just can't... yet."
Whether the "yet" can be discarded after the halfway point and especially Episode 6 is probably debatable. The last series of episodes featured some decent to good character exposition which is after all one of the important things in magical girl anime (*glances suspiciously in the direction of SMC*) before shifting into "high gear" with Episode 6. Here the show felt like a "proper" magical girl anime. However, it unfortunately came at the expanse of happening too fast and sudden, showing a clear lack of pacing in this anime.
In short, Pleiades is nothing special. There were a few times I was half-tempted to put it away... but it can be somewhat entertaining, at least the latter half of the so far aired episode kept me more interested. If you are looking for something great, go look elsewhere. Pleiades at best serves as a nice snack in-between so far. Episode 6 could have been the turnabout but it remains to be seen if this sudden shift might have not overloaded the engine with more than it can handle.
Rating: 6/10
Kyoukai no Rinne

To put it bluntly: Our dear Sakura seems to have one mood setting only in that she doesn't react even in the slightest extreme to anything around her, no matter how appropriate it might be. Whether it is dealing with various spirits and supernatural occurrences or Tsubasa fighting over her with Rinne... She doesn't even flinch when someone who shouldn't be there speaks up behind her in her own room no less... So yeah... I'm not impressed. It's an interesting trait for awhile but loses its value almost as quickly as Takashi's often practiced "abusive girlfriend/fiancée" gimmick.
The rest of Rinne at least is decent. I am most surprised by Tsubasa's character who I picked as the clueless "Ryoga" type who would constantly get in the way without ever learning anything. But he quickly shows that he can learn even without letting go off his animosity/jealousy towards Rinne (so he is probably more alike to Koga). As an episodic anime Kyoukai no Rinne is okay so far but again nothing exactly memorable that I'll be able to recall much of at a later point.
Rating: 6.5/10
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Vivid

As such Vivid isn't really doing anything that is horribly wrong. Some could argue with some of the loli nudity here and there but I feel people are making too much of a fuss about something that probably means a whole lot less. I take a bit more offense with the transformations which look a lot more... suggestive (especially considering we are dealing with kids here for the most part) than in the previous seasons. However, I am still mostly nitpicking.
Seeing as even the action/magic scenes so far did not disappoint – or at least not disappoint to a point where it matters –, Vivid looks solid enough. It adapts the manga at a decent rate and as such presents a mediocre source material well enough to be enjoyable.
The only thing that really stands out is that for the first time ever I do not really like a Nanoha (opening) song from Nana Mizuki and instead prefer Tamura's ending theme.
Rating: 7/10
Show by Rock!!

The characters are decent enough, some developments might be a little rushed so far but it all falls well into the mood of the anime. Personally I can empathize a great deal with Retoree for example and Cyan already won me over with the catgirl gimmick. ^_^ The music so far has offered quite a few nice beats and songs already. Unfortunately it could stand a few more. For a music-themed anime we get rather few performances in the grand scheme.
A little on the more shallow side are the plot and the choice of CG implantation. I suppose one can live with the first and the latter is at best more a matter of preference. I know some people like it... I didn't and it nearly drove me away. I have no problem with either CG or SD use. But both at the same time? No, thank you. It doesn't work for me. Thankfully it seems to be exclusive to music performance and the Dark Monster battles (from which we really haven't seen any after the first one).
While Show by Rock!! at times has elements that make me cringe and sometimes can lay it on a little too thick when it comes to any one thing, I find myself rather enjoying what is there so far. I'm not sure if this anime will ever be anything to watch again later but... it's good enough for one time at least. I am glad I stayed on board.
Rating: 7.5/10
Mikagura School Suite

An anime as such that is not by genre definition exclusively Shoujo Ai/Yuri and/or Slice of Life? Not likely. More like practically unheard of.
When that became apparent I was pretty much sold, no matter what Mikagura School Suite did wrong on other ends. After being enlightened to Class S Yuri through Yuri Kuma Arashi last season, I think this is just as much the proof that such a scenario is possible!
That novelty aside, Mikagura School Suite is fun and lively. Protagonist Eruna is like a female version of an overly perverted harem lead which should by all means imply that she is probably unbearable... Yet, while Eruna walks the edge with very little space to spare, the uniqueness of having a girl in that position – a lesbian girl at that – and that most of the time she can actually pull it off surprisingly well without driving the viewer away, Eruna manages to avert that hurdle so far.
Again, it is a very humorous show, which is where Mikagura School Suite is really at its best. While the school system with the club battles is intriguing so far it seems to serve more as byplay and as a means to introduce characters, forge relationships etc. The anime does not allow too much drama to build up on that front. It's really more about Eruna, the people she meets, her quirks and just an entertaining fast-paced comedy.
And that's fine. While one might wish for a deeper plot and it can be somewhat irksome when for example the rest of the rookie tournament is simply flash-forwarded, Mikagura School Suite keeps to its strengths mostly and that is a good thing. As long as it doesn't run out of energy, the rest will probably be as entertaining a watch as the first half has been.
Rating: 8/10 (slightly biased and influenced by the novelty of the main character ^_^)
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
(or DanMachi for future reference)
DanMachi is an interesting mix of classic harem fantasy, mixed with a good dose of adventure that can at some point be merely good at others actually quite excellent. It also comes with the new Asuna in terms of internet popularity apparently... and who couldn't like Hestia? Personally I think Bell is stupid to pine after the (possibly) airheaded blonde swordswoman...
Speaking of Bell. He makes for a decent protagonist if at times a little dull. There's nothing extraordinarily outstanding about him but aside from being a little stupid at times, he doesn't suffer grievous character flaws either. In short I think he is a tad too generic, while being overloaded with typical traits of a male lead in this scenario (kind-hearted to a fault).
DanMachi is fun to watch and has so far never made me want to stop. I cannot really say it has made a real grand impression but so far ranges easily in the consistently good range with occasional peaks like Episode 5 which hit the emotional notes just right. I suppose it depends on how the story plays out before I can really make a real judgment.
Rating: 8/10
Plastic Memories

Plastic Memories started out really nice. In fact, it started out quite excellent with a very promising approach at sci-fi drama. I was ready for a tissue fest at the end and the way it is going, it might still go there, for some. Probably not for me or most viewers who enjoyed the approach of setting and plot of the first two episodes before the completely unnecessary and bottom of the barrel comedy set in. Not only are the attempts at being funny so overused and low that they probably belong somewhere far below the ground but they are also completely out of place in what this anime promised in the beginning. A beginning that was either intentionally misleading or they ran out of ideas plenty fast... I am not sure which of the options is sadder. Both are plenty aggravating and an affront to anyone enjoying a properly put together anime. It's like teasing with well-masked but fake gold and then revealing it's not as shiny as it appeared halfway through.
Episode 6 and now 7 unfortunately did not just go further down this infuriating sitcom crap (excuse me, but this is the nicest I can get here) but made it quite clear where this show is going. Romance a soon-dying girl and being rather awful and incompetent about it.
Don't get me wrong in that Plastic Memories is now suddenly a BAD show. What it seems to be aspiring to now would have been fine if it had not been so misleading in the beginning. It is the sudden shift of its most compelling elements in favor of the lamest executables that are drawing my ire here. If all they wanted was a love story between a generic boy and a soon-to-be-dead girl, then all the plot exposition is at large unnecessary as it will only be left inadequately resolved.
Plastic Memories had many good things going for it but now it seems that all the hanging plot threads are never going to get properly connected and at best only treated with some cheap resolution. It is utterly aggravating but unless Plastic Memories pulls another, by now very unlikely turnaround, it may have sealed its fate. While I had a lot to say about squandered potential for the shows of last season, Plastic Memories is such a drastic case to me because it already showed often enough that it CAN do so much better, that it can be ORIGINAL yet seems insistent on focusing on the safe tropes. While that alone is bad enough but could have been forgiven... the final strike is that it can't do these right at all.
Rating: 7/10 (in light of this week's episode, stripped down about 1.5 points)
Highschool DxD BorN

Ahem... There is just nothing more refreshing to the harem genre which has seen a whole influx of mediocre to bad attempts lately than Issei and his demonic harem! And it really is just about one now as even Koneko gets her spotlight early on and breaches the distance she still held to our perverted King of Breasts (or whatever else you want to call him).
I admit, I was a tad disappointed in the second season, New just didn't quite do it for me but BorN definitely reminded me once more why Highschool DxD is still at the top when it comes to overly excessive ecchi harem shows. Highschool DxD isn't just that after all. Unlike so many other would-be attempters, this anime can manage to pull out and balance high-rated fan service with decent to good action and even quite some enjoyable level of character interaction and emotion. Seeing as the corresponding episode even got me more empathic towards Akeno, I'd say Highschool DxD knows how to play on various fields at a level clearly above average.
Rating: 8.25/10
Hibike! Euphonium

But maybe I should have, had I paid attention who was making this. Kyoto Animation has after all put out some rather memorable Slice-of-Life settings of this variety with K-On! and Amagi Brilliant Park. Speaking of K-On... At first glance it might seem like a revival, just with a concert band but it is not. Euphonium is definitely its own type of anime and a good one at that.
In fact it's hard to actually pick out singular aspects that are done right but I'll try. First of there are the incredible relatable characters that are not just filled out with typical anime tropes but have a very realistic feel to them, especially our main protagonist Kumiko. Unlike K-On, the music and club portion is also treated with a great deal more realism and focus on that actual aspect, instead of being more of a byproduct to everyday life. As such I am even loathe to call this Slice-of-Life because the music portion, the band and its struggle to rise from relatively low standard to Nationals material are very much the central focus.
Coupling that with a rather good handle on atmosphere, interaction and careful selection and construction of individual shots, Hibike! Euphonium may just have what it takes to be the crowning jewel of the season if it can keep this up to the end.
Rating: 9/10
Two (or more) Coeur Anime
Let's move right on to the anime continuing from last season or further before that.
Assassination Classroom
It looks like all the training and effort is now coming around full circle for Class E. Assassination Classroom continues to be enjoyable and while I really am not as hyped about it as some other people, I still enjoy almost every episode. I refrain from any more comments here because I really, really need to see first how this all plays out.
Go Princess Precure

On one hand the issue I am having with Haruka stealing too much spotlight while the other two are being pushed more and more into the background (because they were made too perfect to begin with) still persists and I fear will continue to persist. On the other hand, Haruka at least shows progress to whatever tasks she sets her mind to instead of remaining in the "always trying her best" trope corner.
I am still holding on my hope for something that may finally step out of the long shadow Smile's darkness has cast upon the franchise but I'm not so sure anymore it will happen this season.
Fairy Tail
And just with this week's episode, Fairy Tail has reached as far as I have read ahead, so I can actually give unbiased opinions from now on again. ^_^ The arc was handled well enough so far and it is really nice to have some of the old, special Fairy Tail feeling again. It has a lot to make up for and a lot of ground to cover after the atrocities of half a year worth of fillers.
One Piece

But that's really my only complaint and as exciting as this is, you only really notice this detail when you actually stop to think about it.
Abandoned Anime
Both listed here are not bad, I just had mostly personal reasons not to pursue them after the first week. Some may also have been influenced by the crappy year I am having and my mood accordingly. ^_^
Arslan Senki: While I like myself a nice fantasy story, it looked to me like it was going in directions, both plot and character-wise I might not enjoy. Reviews seem good so far, I might reserve this for a later run when it is finished and I have time.
Seraph of the End: First episode already made it clear to me that it would be too gorey for me, regardless of how good. I didn't feel like watching something of that sort.
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