
Anime Weekly Review: Fall 2015 (30.10.-5.11.)

One Piece and Fairy Tail continue to battle out highlight moments as battles and events come to a head in both arcs.

The biggest highlight of the week, however, was finding out that Euphonium gets a movie AND another season!



I can honestly say reading this Monday morning REALLY made me happy.

Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst: A surprisingly idyllic demon realm. Looks like Basara and Co. are once again stuck between a lot of opposing internal conflicts.

Fairy Tail: Aaaaaaaand... Whoa! THAT was sudden, unexpected and... totally awesome. Fairy Tail still beats out One Piece in individual episode greatness, even if just slightly.

Asterisk Wars: Okay, for the first episode after the beginning arc this was fairly solid. A lot of new character introductions but nothing seemed to really hamper it yet. We'll have to see.

Valkyrie Drive: And enter the only boy who, of course, our cute virgin heroine immediately falls in love with... Gosh, I already don't trust that guy. Too much of a Touga-vibe even if he doesn't come across as macho.

One Piece: The flashback wasn't quite done apparently and it only adds more surprising depth to one of the oddest guys in One Piece history. But One Piece has always been good to give even some of its oddest birds a solid backstory that makes them more understandable and sometimes even likeable.

Go Princess Precure: No episode this week... Okay, honestly Toei. You pick your breaks awfully bad this run. Last week would have been much more appropriate. ^_^

Hidan no Aria AA: I still don't understand half of what is going on but don't really feel like watching the original just to understand this, especially not another harem series with questionable reputation. The battle was okay but it was a little chaotic and probably part of my confusion. At least we saw a glimpse of what our main prota seems to be hiding.

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